




Quaker Parrots

Original price was: $590.00.Current price is: $390.00.

The Quaker parrot or the Monk parrot makes an amazing companion. These birds are known to be entertaining, clever, and very curious. They are extremely social birds. These highly intelligent birds are fun to train and can make the best companions because of their friendly and loving nature. In fact, they are among the most popular pet parrot species for all the right reasons. Having a bird this smart can be quite a handful for first-time owners. That is why this book is designed to take to through your journey with your Quaker, one step at a time.

Quaker Parrots For Sale

Quakers Parrots are affectionate birds who will get along with just about anyone. As with all parrots, they must be socialized to keep this personality they’re so well known for. Quaker Parrots are also called Monk Parrots. They’re green with a grey face, neck, and chest. They grow to be 12 inches long.

They live 15 to 20 years, and some are even older due to modern healthier diets, exercise, and mental stimulation. Quakers are quite hardy and make great companion birds. When well supervised, they can make great pets for older children also.

Quaker Parrots, sometimes called Blue Monk Parrots, are actually a rare type of Quaker .Their blue color is not naturally occurring and is a genetic mutation. They grow to be 12 inches long.

They need daily social interaction, both direct with your household and indirect out-of-cage time where they can see and be part of your “flock.” When appropriately socialized, a Quaker can become a great talker and is regarded as one of the best talking parrots similar to that of an African Grey. If not properly socialized Quakers are prone to becoming cage aggressive.

In fact, They love to chew, which is why they need a variety of toys to keep them mentally stimulated and get bored, which can lead to self-mutilation.

They need a variety of differently sized perches to help exercise and stretch their feet.

Temperament Quaker Parrots

Quakers are very confident and social birds by nature. These birds are delightfully entertaining; they’re like little clowns. They have the personality of large birds in a little bird’s body. Bold and outgoing, they tend to chatter a lot and are known for their exceptional talking ability. These little guys need just as much attention as bigger parrots.

In captivity, they tend to bond very closely with one person and are known for their loyal nature. Once you develop a connection with a Quaker parrot, you’ll enjoy years of companionship. They enjoy cuddling and petting on the head, and you can look forward to excited squeaks that greet you when you get home. Most handfed Quakers are quite gentle and can many make excellent pets for children.


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