




Lilac-crowned Amazon Parrot

Original price was: $1,300.00.Current price is: $670.00.

Their social nature helps to make them gentle and affectionate companions. While this is a loving bird, this is also a very active species, so this bird needs an owner that can keep up with it. It must have a safe space to climb and play outside of the cage each day.



Lilac-crowned Amazon Parrot For Sale

Lilac-crowned Amazon, scientifically known as Amazona finschi, belongs to the parrot family. Due to its habitat loss, its number is rapidly decreasing, reducing it to the level of endangered category, although breeders are caring for them and making them thrive in aviaries. The agile parrots are good companion birds but keeping them is a great deal of commitment, so have one when you have time and energy. They are not suitable if you have kids at home.

Lilac-crowned Amazon Parrot forms strong bonds with its owners and must have ample daily social interaction in order to thrive.Their social nature helps to make them gentle and affectionate companions. While this is a loving bird, this is also a very active species, so this bird needs an owner that can keep up with it. It must have a safe space to climb and play outside of the cage each day.


Lilac-crowned Amazon parrots are curious and active birds by nature. Like all parrots, and Amazon parrots in particular, these birds need plenty of mental stimulation to keep them healthy and happy.

Lilac-crowned Amazon parrots form strong bonds with their owners and must have ample daily social interaction in order to thrive.

Like many parrots, lilac-crowned Amazons may go through a hormonal bluffing or biting stage as they reach sexual maturity. This temporary period can be stressful for handlers, which is why this species pairs best with experienced avian owners.

The lilac-crowned Amazon is more subdued than other Amazons, so it is generally not as loud. An intelligent species, it can learn to talk. It may also call out loudly as an alarm when it perceives danger or sees strangers approaching.

Speech and Vocalizations

Although they are not renowned for their talking ability, lilac-crowned Amazon parrots can learn an impressively large vocabulary of words and phrases. As the bird hears repetitive sounds and it spends time around you, it will pick up a couple of words. They do have loud natural calls, but these are not often heard.


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